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There are many reasons why you may need to replace your insulation. For instance, bulk insulation could compress and lose its ability to absorb heat or reflective insulation could tear or become grimy and lose its efficiency. Roofing entails so many things!

Whatever the reason is, keep in mind that the cost of replacing roof insulation depends on how much you have and the type of insulation you settle for. To find out the answer to 'how much does it cost to replace a roof insulation', read through.

When To Replace Roof Insulation

If properly installed, roof insulation can last for decades. For instance, modern batt insulation lasts for about 50 to 70 years. Notwithstanding, different situations could cause roof insulation to damage or wear faster than it's supposed to. That's why it's advisable to inspect your insulation every 10 years.

Below are some signs that you should replace your insulation:

Cost of Replacing Roof Insulation

The cost of replacing roof insulation largely depends on your budget and the type of insulation you choose. However, on an average, below is what you should expect to pay:

Note that the approximated cost above doesn't include labor cost which is about $50 to $80 per hour depending on how difficult the job is.

The spray foam insulation is the most expensive option which is at $3500 per 135 square meters of spray foam plus installation. You will pay an extra $1200 if the old loose-fill insulation needs to be removed.

In total, you could spend between $2500 to $5000 to remove and replace your insulation. So, ensure that whatever insulation you're removing is replaced with a more efficient one.


Before settling for roof insulation for replacement, request a quote and ensure you confirm what is included and excluded. Ask for referrals or try contacting previous customers. A local business with many years of experience is your best bet, as they have a reputation to maintain and won't risk that for a few dollars.

You can contact Bushwick Roofing at 519 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221, or call (718) - 285 – 7841 https://www.bushwickroofingny.com/ for expert roofing services.

Bushwick Roofing Is The Premier Roofing Contractors In The New York City Area. Enjoy Certified, Insured, Licensed & Bonded Contracting Service Today By Calling Us Now Or Filling Out Our Contact Form
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519 Knickerbocker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221

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